On January 27, Wendy Johnstone discussed ‘The Art of Persuasion in Caregiving’ in our FCBC Facebook Live.
It’s safe to say that lecturing, arguing, and telling the people we care about what “they need to be doing” to manage their illness or recovery typically results in less harmony, more resistance and likely less happiness for the caregiver and care recipient. In this video, Wendy explores three core communication styles to help guide conversations between caregivers and their loved one towards positive change.
Here are the resources Wendy mentions in her video:
Family Caregivers of BC Resources:
When the Person You’re Caring for Resists Help: When the Person you are Caring for Resists Help (familycaregiversbc.ca)
The 4P System for Making Difficult Family Caregiving Decisions: The 4P system for making difficult family caregiving decisions – Family Caregivers BC
Webinar: Who Decides What and Other Touchy Caregiving Topics: Who Decides What and Other Touchy Caregiving Topics – Family Caregivers BC
Podcast: Speak Out with Courageous Conversations in Caregiving Episode 2: Speak Out With Courageous Conversations in Caregiving – Family Caregivers BC
Other Resources:
When Caring for an Aging Loved One, Remember LOVE: Keystone Eldercare Solutions – Quality care for you and your family.
13 Ways to Improve your Caregiver Communication Skills: 13 ways to improve your caregiver communication skills – Elizz
Tips for Better Communication: Communication and Caregiving – Caregiver Solutions