As a family and friend caregiver, you are a partner in care. Yet sometimes it may not feel like that. While our health system has embraced the patient and family-centered health care approach, it will take time to transform how family and friend caregivers are included on the front lines of care. Finding and using your voice as a partner in care isn’t just for the person being cared for – it’s also for you.
Here are some additional resources that might help:
Video: Self-Identifying as a Caregiver – Why It’s Important:
Self-Identifying as a Caregiver: Why it’s Important – Family Caregivers BC
Checklist: Are You a Friend or Family Caregiver?:
Are-you-a-family-caregiver-FINAL.pdf (
Flipbook: Our new caregiver flipbook provides information and guidance for caregivers to find and use their voices as partners in care:
Finding and Using Your Voice as a Partner in Care – Family Caregivers BC
Website: Carers Canada is fostering a movement to ignite change and shape future policies and programs for caregivers:
Advocacy & Action – Carers Canada
Article: Self-advocacy strategies (Alzheimer Society) – Navigating the health-care system can be difficult at times, and often requires self-advocacy. Self-advocacy is what we do to improve a situation for ourselves, a family member or another individual:
Self-advocacy strategies | Alzheimer Society of British Columbia