Family Caregivers of BC invites you to celebrate Caregiver Awareness Month with us!
This year, the 2023 Caregiver Aware Campaign is focusing on four key themes:
- Work and Care
- Mental Health
- Young Caregivers
- Financial Well-being
Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing resources and raising awareness across Canada about these important caregiving topics.
Every year, caregiver support organizations across Canada celebrate this important month with our Caregiver Aware campaign. This year, the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence, along with provincial organizations in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Nova Scotia joined together to raise awareness of the various challenges faced by caregivers in Canada.
Are you a caregiver? Do you know someone who is?
Many caregivers don’t self-identify, and miss out on the resources and supports available. You probably have people in your own circles who are caregiving but don’t realize that as the invaluable contribution it is! Please help us make some noise and increase awareness of unpaid family and friend caregivers. Reach out to your networks 0f family, friends, neighbours, communities, and workplaces through email and social media. Explore resources in our Caregiver Learning Centre and pass them on. You can also use the hashtag #caregiveraware2023 when posting and raising awareness on your social media accounts.
If you or someone you know could use a friendly ear and help finding resources, call our toll-free BC Caregiver Support Line Monday to Friday, 1-877-520-3267.