Are you prepared for what is to come along your caregiving journey?
When you provide care for a sick, disabled or elderly loved one you will face a number of challenges throughout the many stages of caregiving. This learning event will examine the journey caregiving takes us on – no matter when it may happen in our lives.
This webinar will help you discover the following stages of caregiving and what you show know every part of the journey.
1. Pre-caregiving and its early stages:
Before becoming a caregiver:
– Do we have the skills to provide care?
– Is there a time in our lives when we are better prepared?
– Does the type of caregiving make a difference?
– The “Arc of caregiving”, from the early pre-crisis stage involving “need creep” and the self-sacrifices caregivers make to the aftermath of post caregiving.
Coping strategies in the early stage:
– Part caregiver part loved one
– Difficulty acknowledging or accepting the label “caregiver”.
2. Middle stage:
The transition to the middle stage of caregiving as pressures increase, it usually begins with a crisis leaving you with a “before” and an “after”. This stage is also characterized as a time when “from struggle comes strength” and a big part of this strength comes from tackling the HUGE challenge of health system navigation.
– Understanding what your care recipient wants.
– Understanding what are your boundaries as a caregiver.
– How to cope with increasing care demands.
– How to reach out for help; support groups can be invaluable.
– How to deal with fatigue.
3. Final stage:
During this stage the caregiver has to switch from “doing” to “be-ing” which can be a very peaceful time that allows the caregiver to get to know the care recipient differently and for the care recipient to get to know the caregiver at last.
Palliative care:
Grief – the aftermath of caregiving. It becomes necessary to have a new purpose or suffer complicated grief