As a caregiver, you are one of over 1,000,000 caregivers in British Columbia who daily juggles more than your own calendar and activities.
At Family Caregivers of BC, we hear from people like you all of the time. You may be so busy managing competing priorities that finding time for your own becomes a mammoth task. At the same time, you keep hearing how important it is to your health and ability to sustain yourself as an effective caregiver to carve out “you time”. It is overwhelming!
In this webinar we host Connie Davis from the Centre for Collaboration, Motivation and Innovation (CCMI). Connie is presents on a proven technique for making plans that get results called Brief Action Planning or “BAP”. Join us to hear how BAP might help you create and follow through on a plan that will directly benefit you and by extension the person you are caring for. BAP is a structured process that helps individuals make concrete action plans that are realistic and achievable.