Connie Jorsvik founded Patient Pathways and has been acting as an independent healthcare navigator for almost 8 years. She knows that patient and caregiver empowerment are the keys to getting the care you need and deserve. This webinar is the second part of our Advanced Care Planning education series. During this webinar you will learn the basics of Advance Care Planning including important conversations to have with those you care for and the importance of naming your Substitute Decision Maker/Representative. You will also be encouraged to consider and think about values and beliefs that will inform your planning. Connie will go further into writing an Advance Directive based on where the care recipient is in their health and life journey.
Here is her PowerPoint presentation for your review.
To find more information about Connie Jorsvik and her services, please see her Advance Care Planning Guide and also her book can found here: or by searching ‘Advance Care Planning + Connie Jorsvik.’ Her contact information is: or 604-440-6795