Welcome to the Family Caregivers of BC Learning Centre, an online learning community offering caregiver resources in the form of: articles, tip sheets, flip books, webinars, videos, on-line courses and podcast episodes. Our caregiver resources aim to: increase your knowledge and skills, build confidence in your caregiving skills and prevent caregiver burnout. We have organized our education resources across print, audio and video to make it easier to navigate.
Some caregivers find it difficult to attend an educational event or weekly caregiver support groups, therefore our intention is to bring the classroom to you. The resources have been created based on feedback from our caregiver support line, coaching calls, surveys and online webinars. You will find our most popular education resources online and we continually add articles, webinars and relevant materials weekly. Register here to be notified when new materials, classes, support groups and webinars are added.
Resources include:
- Information on making decisions using the health care system
- How to advocate and find resources in the community
- Timely tips and strategies on dealing with sticky and tricky caregiving situations including:
- How to communicate in a positive way with family members and health care professionals
- Setting strong boundaries with the person they are caring for and other family members
- How do they put on their own “oxygen mask” first before the person they are caring for