How to prepare and what you need to know
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There are many entries into the world of caregiving—for some, the road is gradual while for others it can be instigated by a major health event. Whatever your path, if you are feeling overwhelmed by this new normal, trying to sort out who is on the health care and service provider team, unsure about what resources or programs exist for the person they are caring for, just generally not sure how to proceed or currently grieving the lifestyle you once had, you are not alone and we are here to support you.
Of course, the first question is, where to start? Your entry into your role as caregiver may unroll in many phases: awareness of your new responsibility, the unfolding of those responsibilities, increasing care demands… Overall, it can be a process to grow accustomed to this new normal and these phases of varying emotions are to be expected. Acknowledging this rollercoaster of emotions is a good place to start, to begin with some self-compassion for this change in your life. In this Flipbook, we will elaborate on what those phases may look like and the importance of identifying oneself as a caregiver (an important next step). This document includes a list of responsibilities to help you self-assess if you are a caregiver and recommendations for getting started in your new role—including, determining what supports you need, getting your paperwork organized, how to explain your role to others, how to ask for help, building a “gold medal support network”, and tips for building your personal resilience.
This document is a great foundation to get you started in your caregiving role and touches on many subjects covered further in our Caregiver Learning Centre resources. For more information or if you have questions about this Flipbook, call our Toll-Free Caregiver Support Line at 1-877-520-3267.