May Caregiver Aware 2023 Package
Caregiver Aware is a national campaign to raise awareness about the experiences of caregivers in Canada throughout the month of May in recognition of National Caregiver Month. Created in collaboration with caregiver support organizations across the country, the campaign explores some of the most pressing issues faced by caregivers in Canada, including, impact to mental health, work and care, young caregivers and financial wellbeing.
Social Media Messages
May is National Caregiver Month, a time to raise awareness and celebrate Canada’s 8+ million caregivers. Every one of us knows someone who gives care. We [I] join the #CaregiverAware campaign to advocate for a brighter future. #caregiveraware
Le mois de mai est le Mois national des aidants. C’est l’occasion de faire de la sensibilisation et de célébrer les huit millions d’aidants canadiens. Chacun d’entre nous connaît quelqu’un qui prodigue des soins. Nous nous joignons / Je me joins à la campagne #SensiblesAuxAidants pour militer en faveur d’un avenir meilleur. #SensiblesAuxAidants
#CaregiverAware is a national campaign to raise awareness about the experiences of caregivers in Canada. Caregivers are the unseen backbone of our healthcare system. Join me in celebrating all that they do throughout the month of May.
#SensiblesAuxAidants est une campagne nationale visant à sensibiliser la population à la réalité des aidants au Canada. Les aidants sont l’épine dorsale invisible de notre système de soins de santé. Tout au long du mois de mai, célébrons ensemble tout ce que font les aidants. #SensiblesAuxAidants
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Caregivers Out Loud Podcast Media Package
Caregivers Out Loud is a podcast delivered by Family Caregivers of BC. We aspire to get our podcast into the ears of busy caregivers and health care professionals. We invite you to share our new podcast with your networks so we can continue to offer support and resources in new ways. We have provided easy copy and images for social media posts.
Social Media Messages
Family Caregivers of BC @caringbc launches “Caregivers Out Loud” hosted by Bill Israel. The podcast shares authentic caregiving stories that provide perspective, connection and support. Find out more:
#caregivingoutloud #caregivingawareness #caregiving
Family Caregivers of British Columbia launches their second season of podcast, “Caregivers Out Loud.” The podcast, hosted by Bill Israel, explores the ways in which the role of a caregiver can be both rewarding and also emotionally, psychologically, and physically taxing. Through sharing caregiver stories, we bring you perspective and connection, ensuring that you have support and balance from inspired caregivers and people who support caregivers. Please listen and share the podcast on your favourite podcast app or at
@familycaregiversofbc launches their second season of podcast, “Caregivers Out Loud.” The podcast explores the ways in which the role of a caregiver can be both rewarding and also emotionally, psychologically, and physically taxing. Through sharing caregiver stories, we bring you perspective and connection, ensuring that you have support and balance from inspired caregivers and people who support caregivers. Please listen and share the podcast on your favourite podcast app or at the link in our bio. (
#caregiving #caregiversoutloud #caregiveraware #familycaregivers #wellness #mentalhealth
General Family Caregivers of BC Media Kit
Interested in promoting FCBC to your community on social media? Or, perhaps you are interested in raising funds through a social media campaign and making a charitable donation to our organization? We are so appreciative of you thinking of Family Caregivers of BC and for supporting caregivers across our province at this time. Here are some pre-drafted social media captions (and photos) for each of the platforms for you to use:
Social Media Messages
Today, we would like to spotlight an important province-wide organization: @caringbc. Family Caregivers of BC is a not-for-profit that proudly and compassionately supports over 1 million people in British Columbia that provide physical and/or emotional care to a family member, friend, or neighbour. Visit their website to learn about their services and offer support.
Today, we would like to spotlight an important province-wide organization: @FamilyCaregiversBC. FCBC is a not-for-profit that proudly and compassionately supports over 1 million people in British Columbia that provide physical and/or emotional care to a family member, friend, or neighbour. FCBC supports caregivers by providing access to information, education and supports that enable caregivers to feel more confident and successful in their important role.
We understand the common feelings of isolation, grief, compassion, joy, and exhaustion faced by many family and friend caregivers. FCBC provides direct support to caregivers through one-on-one emotional support, caregiver support groups, health care system navigation, and free educational resources. Click here to learn more about our resources for caregivers.
#familycaregiversofbc #caregivers #healthbc #caregiversupport #longtermcare #homecaresupport #assistedliving
Today, we would like to spotlight an important province-wide organization: @familycaregiversofbc. FCBC is a not-for-profit that proudly and compassionately supports over 1 million people in British Columbia that provide physical and/or emotional care to a family member, friend, or neighbour. FCBC supports caregivers by providing access to information, education and supports that enable caregivers to feel more confident and successful in their important role.
We understand the common feelings of isolation, grief, compassion, joy, and exhaustion faced by many family and friend caregivers. FCBC provides direct support to caregivers through one-on-one emotional support, caregiver support groups, health care system navigation, and free educational resources. Click here to learn more about our resources for caregivers.
#familycaregiversofbc #caregivers #healthbc #caregiversupport #longtermcare #homecaresupport #assistedliving
Today, we would like to spotlight an important province-wide organization: [tag] @Family Caregivers of BC. FCBC is a not-for-profit that proudly and compassionately supports over 1 million people in British Columbia that provide physical and/or emotional care to a family member, friend, or neighbour. FCBC supports caregivers by providing access to information, education and supports that enable caregivers to feel more confident and successful in their important role.
We understand the common feelings of isolation, grief, compassion, joy, and exhaustion faced by many family and friend caregivers. FCBC provides direct support to caregivers through one-on-one emotional support, caregiver support groups, health care system navigation, and free educational resources. Click here to learn more about our resources for caregivers.
#familycaregiversofbc #caregivers #healthbc #caregiversupport #longtermcare #homecaresupport #assistedliving
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