Grief is a response to any loss, not just the death of a loved one; traumatic changes in our lives, illness, divorce, and job changes are all losses that can affect us deeply.
MYTH 1: We only grieve deaths.
REALITY: We grieve all losses.
MYTH 2: Only family members grieve.
REALITY: All who are attached grieve.
MYTH 3: Grief is an emotional reaction.
REALITY: Grief is manifested in many ways.
MYTH 4: Individuals should leave grieving at home.
REALITY: We cannot control where we grieve.
MYTH 5: We slowly and predictably recover from grief.
REALITY: Grief is an uneven process, a roller coaster with no time line.
MYTH 6: Grieving means letting go of the person who has died.
REALITY: We never fully detach.
MYTH 7: Grief finally ends.
REALITY: Over time most people learn to live with loss
MYTH 8: Grievers are best left alone.
REALITY: Grievers need opportunities to share their memories and grief, and to receive support.