Our Podcast Listening Party is like a book club, but for our podcast episodes related to Caregivers Out Loud.
In our May Caregiving Awareness month we are launching the first podcast listening party that focuses on one of our new podcast episodes in Season Two. The goal of our podcast is to share topics that provide you perspective, support and balance from diverse caregivers and professionals that support caregivers. Please join us as we gather, listen and discuss this month’s topic of Supporting a Caregiver. This topic is relevant for caregivers, as they could consider, identify and communicate what informal supports they may need. It is also relevant for family, friends and community members that support caregivers, to hear about the Circle of Care approach.
About the Event:
You are required to sign-up for the podcast listening party (via Zoom link) and you then will get a registration code and link to attend on the date. You may join via computer, telephone, or both. Similar to a Caregiver Support Group, you will enter into the Zoom room and choose your public facing name and your video options. The intention is to have an interactive dialogue on the podcast episode, which will be led by Caregivers Out Loud host, Bill Israel and FCBC Education Lead, Kate Landreth. The first part of the event (from 10:00 am -10:25 am) will be listening to the new podcast titled: Friends Caring for Friends, A Circle of Care Approach and the second part of the event (from 10:30-11:15 am) will be the discussion around Supporting a Caregiver. We will share guiding questions to encourage conversation, while also providing a list of resources that support this topic.
Register and Sign Up Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkc-CrqDspHNPpIXcmpMC-KbTSo4mYyWXl
Episode Title: Friends Caring for Friends, A Circle of Care Approach
Friday May 14th, 2021 at 10am-11:15 am PST
10:00 am – 10:25 am – listen to podcast together
10:30 am – 11:15 am discussion