Would you like to learn more about decision-making and planning processes as they relate to serious-illness? If you answered yes, then you’re on the right track!
In this webinar hosted by Family Caregivers of BC, Dr. Daren Heyland, founder of Plan Well Guide and critical care physician and researcher, will present on the Plan Well Guide, an aid to support decision-making in serious illness.
The focus of the webinar is to highlight the current deficiencies in communication, decision-making and planning process related to serious illness. You should leave this presentation knowing what Plan Well Guide is and how it can assist you with specific planning issues.
Visit www.planwellguide.com before the webinar so you can come equipped with specific planning questions you may have for Dr. Daren Heyland.
Register in advance here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kfoHjYgQRE2x2dkEkdEFkw