“The Journal Workbook is much more than a diary or collection of exercise. It is an integrated system of writing exercises for accessing your feelings, life events and spiritual inclinations in an organized way”. – Bill Israel
WHAT IS IT: A private, safe, reflective writing process for family caregivers, focused on compassionate self-nurturing. Participants write privately in their individual, structured journal workbooks.
HOW DOES IT WORK: Individuals write privately in a meditative, small group setting. Short periods of writing follow brief verbal instruction on personal life-event categories. No sharing or “verbal cross-talk” in the sessions. Short periods provided for participants to voluntarily read aloud in the “sacred space” of the workshop group. No special writing skills required.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS: Respite from effects of stress and fatigue. Non-judgmental introspection, self-understanding and meditation. No analysis or diagnosis. Improved somatic (body) awareness, emotional balance and spiritual resilience.
The 6 sessions (90 min) will take place in: Nov 03, Nov. 10; Nov. 17; Nov. 24; Dec. 01 and Dec. 8
You must pre-register by MONDAY OCTOBER 26th to attend. To join the workshop, contact our Family Caregiver Support Line at 1-877-520-3267 Ext 1 or cgsupport@familycaregiversbc.ca no later than October 26th, at which time you will be provided with instructions on how to join online using the Zoom platform. You also receive the Caregivers Journal Workbook sent to you by mail.