The GVCSP offers a holistic caregiver support program designed to meet the needs of the Greater Victoria family/friend caregiver population, currently estimated at over 100,000 people. We service the Capital Regional District, which encompasses 13 municipalities on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.
Founded 32 years ago and the first in Canada, the GVCSP supports family and friend caregivers’ abilities to access and navigate community resources. It enhances caregivers’ personal support networks so that caregivers can gain skills, knowledge, and confidence in their caregiving roles.
Funding for this program is provided by the United Way of Southern Vancouver Island.
We are thankful for the partnerships we have with the following organizations: Sidney Healthy Options for Active Living (SHOAL) Centre, Yakimovich Wellness Centre, Saanich Parks and Recreation, University of Victoria, and Southern Vancouver Island, and Southern Gulf Islands Seniors Table.
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