Covers Atlin, Burns Lake, Chetwynd, Dawson Creek, Dease Lake, Fort Babine, Fort Nelson, Fort St. James, Fort St. John, Fraser Lake, Granisle, Haida Gwaii (formerly Queen Charlotte Islands), Hazelton, Houston, Hudson’s Hope, Kitimat, Mackenzie, Masset, McBride, Nechako, Nisga’a, Peace River, Prince George, Prince Rupert, Queen Charlotte City, Quesnel, Smithers, Snow Country, Stewart, Stikine, Tellegraph Creek, Terrace, Tumbler Ridge, Upper Skeena, Valemount, Vanderhood, Village of Queen Charlotte.
What can we help you find?
- Abuse of people being cared for
- Counselling
- Crisis Lines
- Doctors/Physicians
- End of Life/Death & Dying
- Equipment and helpful devices/aids to daily living
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Advocacy
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Education and Support Programs
- Family (Unpaid) Caregivers: Employment issues
- Family (Unpaid) Caregivers: Financial assistance
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Impatience
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Long Distance Caregiving
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Respite
- Family Caregiver Support Groups
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Statistics
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Stress Management
- Family & Friend (Unpaid) Caregivers: Websites, Quotes, Magazines, Books
- First Nations Health Authority (FNH)
- Health Conditions
- Health Information & Health Services Information
- Home Support
- Housing — see Seniors Housing
- Hospitals
- Information & Referral (I&R) Services
- Legal
- Medical Information Record
- Medications
- Music Therapy
- Seniors Housing
- Technological Assistance
- Transportation
- Looking for something else? Contact us.