Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) has a unique role in BC’s health authority system: to ensure that BC residents have access to a coordinated provincial network of high-quality specialized health-care services. PHSA works in partnership with the province’s health authorities and health-care professionals to improve access to evidence-informed practice closer to where people live and to effectively promote health, manage chronic conditions and reduce the burden of illness. This health authority is responsible for select specialized and province-wide health care services in BC. It works with the five regional health authorities and the Ministry of Health to meet local and provincial health needs, by:
Governing and managing nine agencies that plan and/or provide specialized health services on a province-wide basis:
– BC Cancer Agency
– BC Centre for Disease Control
– BC Children’s Hospital & Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children
– BC Mental Health & Substance Use (MHSU) Services
– BC Provincial Renal Agency
– BC Transplant
– BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre
– Cardiac Services
– Perinatal Services BC
PHSA also supports major health system collaboration through its two divisions, BC Emergency Health Services, and Health Shared Services BC.
Working with the five regional health authorities and the Ministry of Health to plan, coordinate and, in some cases, fund the delivery of highly specialized provincial services such as BC Autism Network, the BC Early Hearing Program, the Surgical Patient Registry, the Provincial Blood Coordinating Office, the Provincial Language Service, Stroke Services BC and Trauma Services BC.
Additionally, PHSA has responsibility for its Lower Mainland Consolidation components, in particular Lower Mainland Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Services.
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