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Statistics show that in the majority of cases, caregiving can be very rewarding. However, it can also be exhausting and emotionally and physically demanding.
FCBC listens to the needs of caregivers through our Caregiver Support Line calls, the more complex Coaching Calls, the online webinars, feedback from support groups and our other services.
When we ask caregivers what they need, they answer:
- Information on making decisions using the health care system
- how to advocate and find resources in the community
- Timely tips and strategies on dealing with sticky and tricky caregiving situations including:
- How to communicate in a positive way with family members and health care professionals
- Setting strong boundaries with the person they are caring for and other family members
- How do they put on their own “oxygen mask” first before the person they are caring for.
Family Caregivers of BC can help. Most of us are or were family caregivers. We recognize it can feel overwhelming and time-consuming to sift through websites and links so we’ve narrowed our focus to come up with the FCBC’s Top Tips and Tools for Caregivers. Each of these topics links to its own page of our handouts. blogs, articles and webinars.