Family Caregivers of BC is hosting Dr. Karen Okrainec and Isabelle Caven from the University Health Network (UHN) for an engaging healthcare provider webinar to learn more about young caregivers and how to engage with and support young caregivers in clinical interactions. Young caregivers may be present in a variety of clinical settings including at the bedside, at hospital admission, in the emergency department, and/or at home providing caregiving support. Attend to learn more about UHN research findings, and how to use the Recognizing, Identifying and Supporting Youth Providing Care – RISE UP toolkit in your clinical practice to recognize and support young caregivers.
During this webinar, you will learn about:
- The research project at the University Health Network – Recognizing, Identifying and Supporting Youth Providing Care – RISE UP. We will share the survey findings of healthcare providers across Canada about their ability to recognize, identify, and support young carers in their clinical practice.
- The impact and importance of healthcare providers and the larger health systems engaging with and supporting young carers.
- The toolkit for healthcare providers, which was co-designed by young carers, healthcare providers, and caregiving organizations, and how this toolkit can help you as a healthcare provider recognize and support the vital and often under-recognized and under-appreciated care support that youth provide.
About the presenters:
Dr. Karen Okrainec is a practicing general internal medicine physician at the University Health Network and Health Services Scientist at Toronto General Research Institute in Toronto.
Isabelle Caven is a Research Associate working with Dr. Okrainec and a current first-year medical student at McMaster University. She brings her lived experience as a young carer to this project.
Registration required: